Session: 1995-2002

Muhammad Mohsin Khokhar S/O Shah Din
Session-Roll: 2002-283
Date of Birth: 02 April 1978
Location: Sialkot, UAE
Current Services
- Nazim Minhaj-ul-quran international Abu Dhabi
- N.NazimMinhaj-ul-quran international ( UAE)
Prev. Services
- Central Naib Nazim Minhaj-ul-Quran International Pakistan
- Ex PA to Shaikh-ul- Islam
- Secretary Gernral youth Wing Pakistan
- Deptuy Secretary Genral MSM
Literary Works
- Minhaj-e-Niqabat(complete insiclopidia of comparing)
- A Great Worker(A story book of a dedicated worker)
- Company of the Great leader(a book regarding diffrent aspects of shaikh-ul Islam's Life)
Study Field
Orgnizational Management,politics and social sector.
- Best Speker award (4 times)
- Best Worker award (7 times)
Many Prizes, Awards,Certificates and shields.
Love for every body.....\nRespect and regard for all tehreeki leaders and workers.
Education Details
Year | Degree | Insitution |
2002 | B.A | University of the Punjab |
1997 | F.A | BISE Lahore |
1995 | Matric | Govt. High School, Meraj Kay, Sialkot |