Session: 1992-1999

Abdul Sattar Siraj S/O Ahmad Sher
Session-Roll: 1999-052
Date of Birth: 06 October 1976
Location: Denmark
Current Services
Principal MIC, New Jhang, Dina, Jhelum
Prev. Services
- Incharge PAT (Dist. Okara)
- Vise President PAT (PP157)
- Principal Minhaj-ul-Quran Islamic Center, Ladhywal (Okara)
- Nazim Dawat-o-Tarbiyyat TMQ (Green Town, LHR)
- Nazim Dawat-o-Tarbiyyat MYL (Green Town, LHR)
Literary Works
Editing of "Minhaj-ul-Fatawa" (Vol. 2)
Study Field
- Islamic Believes
- Political thoughts & Pakistani politics
- Biography of the Prophet (SAW)
- Islamic Spiritualism
- History
- Poetry
- I was the:
- Vise president Bazm-e-Naqshbanbia (TMU)
- General Secretary of Bazm-e-Soofia (TMU)
- Speaker
- Debater
- Nazim-e-Salat
- Chief Prefect of Hostel
- Mess Incharge
- First position in 6th, 7th & 8th class
- Second position in 9th & 10 class
- Second position in 3rd & 5th year of MIU
- Shield for standing 2nd in 3rd year of MIU
- "Certificate of Performance" for hide collection (Central Tanzeem)
- "Certificate of Performance" for hide collection (Lahore Tanzeem)
- "Umra Ticket" from TMQ (Ladhywal, Okara)
Education Details
Year | Degree | Insitution |
1997 | B.A | University of the Punjab |
1995 | F.A | BISE Lahore |
1992 | Matric | Govt. High School Jora Kalan |